
Hello! I’m Nico. Welcome to my web.

At my current job, one of my main responsabilities is to automatize processes developing command-line applications. These tools interact with web APIs to launch tasks and create reports, among other functions.

I can work for you outside business hours through Upwork.

Here you can see in which personal projects I’ve been working recently:

  • TacoPro (Go, Vue.JS, Current Work in progress) – Web Application to handle and process truck driver’s smartcard data.
  • Gym application (Go, 2023) – Web application to handle bookings for the gym I use, as the official application won’t handle reservations more than 24 hours before.
  • Elephant (Go, 2023) – Golang ORM library to easily handle Sqlite3 and MySQL databases. It is meant for simple projects with little amounts of data.
  • LabOmino (C#, 2021) – Simple Android game created with Unity in C#. Some features are missing.
  • DNS Water Torture (Go  2020) – Simple tool to launch DNS based Denegation of Service attacks.
  • Test player (JavaScript, 2020) – Progressive Web Application to practice certification tests. I created it to study certifications. It uses a simple JSON file as database, can be used offline and is integrated with Google Drive to synchronize data.
  • Muuu.app (Go, Vue.JS, 2019) – Web application to manage a farm. It reached the alpha version and then it was cancelled.
  • GoUp2Glacier (Go, 2018) – Service based application to upload files to Amazon Glacier through the API. It accepts HTTP commands while it’s running, can handle multiple files at once and can watch a directory waiting for new files.
  • Joder (Java, 2016) – Java Object DEserializer and Reserializer. Library to translate between Java serialized data and XML. Used by RMIAttack. It was not released.
  • RMIAttack (Java, 2016) – This was my end of College project. It was a BurpSuite Extension which could decode and recode serialized Java data used in the RMI protocol encapsulated through HTTP. It was also integrated with YSoSerial to launch serialization payloads. It was not released.